When eight women gather…

  • We celebrate all that is good about our writing.

  • We have fun with paper, scissors, and glue.

  • We connect with each other through shared stories.

  • We don’t expect anyone to arrive with art and writing experience.

  • We eat. We drink. We are obvioulsy merry.

two retreats offered in 2024

You can attend one or both!

Women Holding Things: Feb. 25

This retreat is inspired by Maira Kalman’s book, Women Holding Things. We’ll begin the afternoon by writing about an object we can hold in our hands, but that also holds a story to share. Then, through journal prompts, haiku, photography, and collage, we’ll continue to explore all the things we hold, like our families, friendships, hopes, and dreams.

2024 Hopeful Haiku: Jan. 21

During this retreat, I’ll teach you how to write the world’s smalled poem—haiku! Anyone can do it and you’ll be surprised by the joy three little lines bring into your life! In addition to short and sweet journal prompts, we’ll use haiku to help us set intentions for the coming year. We’ll end the afternoon with paper and ink embellishments for our haiku creations.

who? what? when? where? how much?

WHO: Any women who can attend an inperson retreat in Rancho Palos Verdes (near Peninsula High School). Each retreat is limited to seven participants.

WHAT: Writing and art retreat for women who want to enjoy an inspiring afternoon of writing and art while gathered around a homey dining room table. If you’re someone who would love to explore your creative side, but can’t find the time, this is the perfect opportunity for you!

WHEN: January 21 (Hopeful Haiku) and/or February 25 (Women Holding Things) from 2 PM to 5 PM.

WHERE: Lorrie Tom’s dining room. Address supplied after registration.

SUPPLIES: None required. I’ll provide everything you need (including a journal), but you might want to bring a favorite writing pen and/or personal journal/pad of paper for writing.

TREATS TO EAT: I’ll supply tea, fizzy water, and light snacks. If you’d like to bring something to share, that’s great but not expected.

COST: $75 per retreat.

REGISTRATION: Click on the buttons below to register for one or both retreats.

Mini Retreat: Haiku Holiday
One time

April 21st from 2 to 5 PM at Lorrie's House.

Mini Retreat: Women Holding Things
One time

February 25th from 2 to 5 PM at Lorrie's House.

If you have questions, contact me.