Once-in-a-While Book Club FAQ


Who picks the books we are reading?

Unless you make suggestions (which I always welcome), I do! Contact me if you’d like to suggest a book!

How do I find out what book we’re reading?

Subscribe to my newsletter. I announce the book selection several months before the meeting. You can also go to this page for all the details.

Why is the class limited to seven people?

That’s how many people can sit around my dining room table. Also, I think it’s a manageable number for good discussion.

How can I increase my chances of getting a spot in the book club?

I announce the book dates in my monthly newsletter. Subscribe so you don’t miss anything, or check this page regularly.

What if I don’t finish the book in time for the meeting?

Show up anyway. There will be spoilers. You can't talk about a book without addressing the ending, but there will never be any shaming.

What if I already read the book?

Show up anyway. Reread the book. You will always notice something different with multiple readings.

What if I don’t like the book?

No worries! Personally, I think that makes for a good discussion.

What if I’ve never been in a book club before and I don’t really know what to do?

No worries! I’ll guide us and always begin with an ice breaker. There are no tests. And it’s not like school. You might want to mark a few places in the text that you hope to discuss.

Do you have any tips for annotating books?

Yes. Check out this page.

Have you written any blog posts about reading and/or the reading life?

Yes! Check out this page!

What if I don’t know anyone who is coming to the book club?

I think that’s awesome. It’s fun meeting new people and I make sure we treat each other with kindness.

Should I bring treats to the meeting?

Book clubs are always fun with treats! I’ll provide water, fizzy, tea, and light snacks. There’s no expectation for you to bring anything, but if you’d like to bring a treat to share, that’s great!

How much does it cost?

Nothing, but I’d really appreciate it if you subscribe to my monthly newsletter in lieu of payment!

How often does the Once-in-a-While Book Club meet?

We meet about two times per year—once in the fall and once in the spring.

Do you do any book clubs on Zoom? I really want to attend, but I don’t live near Palos Verdes, CA.

Not right now, but contact me if you’re interested. If there is enough interest, I can consider it.