Parent's Reading & Writing Resources

Parents, this is a list made especially for you. It’s a selection of items that make the reading and writing life a wee bit sweeter. Many of you are about to join me for Family of Writers (or you have in the past) and I hope these items inspire you to get words on the page…or at least read fabulous words with the beverage of your choice beside a cozy fire.

Because here’s something I know by heart: the more you enjoy reading and writing, the more you’ll do it. That’s a big deal because reading and writing for pleasure and relaxation makes life better. Plus, if your kids see you loving reading and writing, it’s more likely that they will love the process, too. And that, my friends, is what I’m all about!

Please let me know your favorites, or add them in the comments below.

NOTE: None of these items are sponsored, and our local library has many of the titles mentioned.


For Adults

  1. On Writing by Stephen King

  2. Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott

  3. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

  4. The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp (More about the creative process, but also applies to writing.)

  5. Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg

  6. Beautiful Writers by Linda Siversten (She also does the Beautiful Writers Podcast mentioned below.)

For Kids (but they are great additions to any home library)

  1. The Best Story by Eileen Spinelli

  2. Hey World, Here I Am by Jean Little

  3. A Writing Kind of Day by Ralph Fletcher

  4. Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street by Roni Schotter

favorite Books About Keeping nature Journals

  1. A Life in Hand by Hannah Hinchman

  2. The Naturalist’s Notebook by Nathaniel T. Wheelwright and Bernd Heinrich

  3. A Trail Through Leaves by Hannah Hinchman

  4. The Law’s Guide to Nature Drawing and Journaling by John Muir Laws

favorite books about writing haiku

  1. Writing and Enjoying Haiku by Jane Reichhold

  2. Haiku the Sacred Art by Margaret D. McGee

  3. Write Your Own Haiku by Patricia Donegan (for kids but it’s a great adult guide, too)

favorite Books About Reading

  1. The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Swhwallbe

  2. Books for Living by Will Swhwallbe

  3. My Ideal Bookshelf by Jane Mount and Thessaly La Force

  4. Bibliophile Diverse Spines by Jamise Harper and Jane Mount

  5. I’d Rather Be Reading by Anne Bogel (Anne Bogel also does the What Should I Read Next Podcast and the Modern Mrs. Darcy Website.)


NOTE: I hesitate including this list because reading and writing tools are such a personal decision. It’s like picking shoes. Only you know if it fits.


  1. Russell+Hazel A5 Vegan Leather Journal (Gold is my favorite. I got my first one at Magnolia, but you can find them online.)

  2. Leuchtturm 1917 Journal (You can get dotted, grid, lined, and unlined versions in different sizes and colors.)

  3. TUL Discbound Notebooks (I love the various types of sizes and colors of these notebooks. It’s so easy to remove and add pages.)

  4. Leather Journals from Little Mountain Bindery (Truly stunning journals that can be personalized.)

  5. Rite in the Rain All-Weather Outdoor Journal (Pocket-size for travel.)


  1. Uniball Vision Elite (0.7)

  2. Pentel Arts Color Pen

  3. Bic 0.7 Ecolutions Mechanical Pencils

  4. Mildiners (Double-tipped highlighters that don’t bleed through the page.)


  1. Book Darts (These come in a cute tin.)

  2. Post-it tabs (These are my favorite bookmarks.)

  3. Cube Writing Timer (I use this when I don’t want to be distracted by the temptation of my phone timer.)

  4. Composition Book Pencil Case from (This website has tons of fun reading and writing-related items.)

  5. Poster Size Post-it Pads (I use these for planning projects and classes on my writing office closet doors.)

  6. Mod Podge (For attaching paper with quotes and haiku to rocks.)

  7. WRITE Pencil Holder by Rae Dunn.

  8. Table Place Card Holders (Not used for names, but for holding copies of haiku and quotes printed on cardstock.)


  1. Two Writing Teachers (This is for teachers, but parents might enjoy their perspective, too.)

  2. What Should I Read Next (This takes you to the Modern Mrs. Darcy website. She is a great blogger, too.)

  3. Currently Reading Podcast

  4. Sarah’s Bookshelves

  5. The Beautiful Writer’s Podcast (This is mostly for people who want to get published and it hasn’t been updated recently, but I love the creative process discussions so I think there is something here for everyone.)

  6. 10 Things to Tell You (This is Laura Tremaine’s podcast and it’s not exclusively about reading, but she does great monthly book reviews, and I really enjoy all of her content. She also provides journal prompts to help us get in the habit of sharing ourselves more often. I’m also a paying member of her Patreon community which includes a book club. I love it.)

writing classes and communities

  1. UCLA Extension has a huge creative writing program. There are in person and online options. Some of the classes I’ve taken are amazing and one or two have been ok. Do due diligence research regarding the teacher.

  2. HAVEN Writing Retreats and HAVEN NEST with Laura Munson. I’ve been to her retreat in Montana and I’m a member of her online writing community. She’s an amazing mentor and teaches me so much about writing.


  1. The Bible by God

  2. Ask Me: 100 Essential Poems by William Stafford (poetry)

  3. Words Under the Words by Naomi Shihab Nye (poetry)

  4. House of Light by Mary Oliver (poetry)

  5. Sailing Alone Around the Room by Billy Collins (poetry)

  6. My Antonia by Willa Cather (fiction)

  7. Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston (fiction)

  8. Peterson’s Guide to Birds (Or whatever bird book fits the region of the deserted island.)

Please let me know your favorites in the comments below.

Always writing and reading (and obviously shopping online!),
